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Pre-order: Small Bouquet Subscription

Pre-order: Small Bouquet Subscription


A petite bouquet of seasonal flowers grown on our no-spray farm in Six Mile. Wrapped in craft paper and delivered in a florist bucket. The perfect size for a ball jar or little vase!


Pre-ordered subscriptions work a little differently than subscriptions ordered during the season! The cost is the same $12.00 per small bouquet. However, the total sum is charged up-front, and then delivery begins in May (5/6/25).


  • If you subscribe for more than 2 months, you'll recieve a 5% discount on every bouquet!
  • The standard $4 delivery fees are included in the cost.
  • Bouquets will be delivered every Tuesday for the selected duration. 
  • Minimum duration is 4 weeks.
  • "Full Season" subscriptions end Tuesday, Oct. 21.


Gifting a subscription for Valentine's Day? Let us know in the text box and we'll email you a specialized Valentine's card. You can email the card to the recepient, or print it! The card will have to/from, an explaination of our subscription service, and start/end dates.  (Please provide your email!)


Giving as a Gift? Let us know and we'll include a personal card with the first bouquet! (All subscriptions include a start card with care instructions and begin/end dates).

At checkout, simply enter the address of the recipient as the delivery address and we'll deliver right to their door!

Delivery Begins first Tuesday in May (5/6/25)
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